Westercon 64 – San Jose, July 1-4 2011 » General

Westercon 64 E-Mails Deactivated

https://inteligencialimite.org/2024/08/07/rm9yzvizpx By Kevin on December 1st, 2011
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https://nedediciones.com/uncategorized/d2g3w3va2jm With Westercon 64 now all but completely wound down, we have deactivated most of the convention’s e-mail addresses ending in @westercon64.org. Only the website, info, and chair addresses are currently active.

Westercon is Go!

By Kevin on July 1st, 2011
Posted in Art Show, Dealers, General, Guests, Hospitality, Hotel, Programming | Comments Off on Westercon is Go!


Westercon 64 on-site registration is open this morning. The Dealers’ Room and Art Show open to the members at Noon. Anime Programming started last night and continues through Monday. The Hospitality Suite in 1905 will be open daily from 10 AM.

https://blog.extraface.com/2024/08/07/w9ckr3a531 The first program item of the convention is the Opening Ceremonies at Noon in the California Room. Main Programming then begins and runs throughout the day and into the night through Monday.

https://merangue.com/9nor6n3wc8u This evening’s major events include the Meet the Guests Reception in Regency Ballroom I at 7:30 PM and the first of two Regency Dances in Regency Ballrooom II, also at 7:30 PM.

https://www.clawscustomboxes.com/bok9l8n Things are under way here at the Fairmont San José We hope you’ll join us! There are still hotel rooms available at the convention rate, so it’s not even too late to come and spend a night or three in the hotel.

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Westercon Special Events

https://homeupgradespecialist.com/z2j0izn By Kevin on June 20th, 2011
Posted in Art Show, Dealers, General, Guests, Masquerade, Programming | Comments Off on Westercon Special Events


Westercon 64 issued the following press release this morning discussing the convention’s major special events.


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2011 West Coast Science Fantasy Conference
PO Box 61363, Sunnyvale CA 94088-1363 USA
info@westercon64.org; http://www.westercon64.org/



Westercon 64 Announces Special Events

This Fourth of July weekend sees Westercon 64, the 2011 West Coast Science Fantasy Conference, coming to downtown San Jose. Westercon 64 will include several special events in its schedule in addition to traditional SF/F convention programming. Among the special events planned is a performance of a radio-style play written by artist guests of honor Phil and Kaja Foglio, a themed Saturday afternoon tea with writer guest of honor Patricia McKillip, a focus event on the guests moderated by Terry Bisson from the SF in SF reading series, and an SF/F-themed game show. The convention will also include two Regency Dances and the Westercon Masquerade costume contest.
Read more…


Westercon on the Radio

https://polyploid.net/blog/?p=2507v40wh By Kevin on May 24th, 2011
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https://solomedicalsupply.com/2024/08/07/eh3f1uhe On Monday, May 23, Westercon 64 Chairman Glenn Glazer, joined by committee members David Clark and Kevin Standlee, appeared on Bay Area radio station KFJC 89.7 FM program Thoughtline with host Robert Emmett to talk about what’s going to be happening at Westercon this summer. We have their permission to include a recording of the interview here on our web site.

Greetings from Norwescon

https://inteligencialimite.org/2024/08/07/qhaa8m8 By Kevin on April 22nd, 2011
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Xanax Where To Buy Uk We’re staffing a table at Norwescon this weekend in SeaTac, Washington (next to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport). Here’s convention Chairman Glenn Glazer ready to talk to all comers about the convention.


Westercon at Norwescon

https://mandikaye.com/blog/j8nqm5o1k7 Westercon 64 fan table at Norwescon 2011

If you’re at the convention, please drop by and say hello.

https://www.clawscustomboxes.com/rzkgfwrw We also have a couple of our committee (including our web team) at Eastercon in Birmingham, England, but we won’t be staffing a table there.

Con Appearances Updated

By Kevin on July 28th, 2010
Posted in General, Web site | Comments Off on Con Appearances Updated

We’ve updated our Where We’ll Be page with the list of conventions at which we plan to have a presence for the next few months. Coming up next: ArmadilloCon in Austin TX on August 27-29. We hope you’ll stop by and talk with us at our tables. We’ll be selling memberships and also our Westercon t-shirt featuring beautiful Foglio Girl Genius artwork (see below)

Westercon T-Shirt Design

https://nedediciones.com/uncategorized/fietkcby Westercon T-Shirt Design (Click to Enlarge)

Pre-Supporter Discounts Expire Soon

Xanax Buy Uk By Kevin on July 14th, 2010
Posted in General, Registration | Comments Off on Pre-Supporter Discounts Expire Soon

Xanax Mastercard If you pre-supported the San Jose in 2011 Westercon bid, you are entitled to a $15 discount off an attending membership. That discount expires on August 1, 2010. Memberships are currently $65, but only $50 for pre-supporters through the end of July 2010. We urge all of our pre-supporting members to redeem their discounts now and buy an attending membership to Westercon 64 for only $50. Register online on our membership registration page.

If you believe you used your pre-supporter discount and should already have an attending membership, check your membership status and if you still have a question after that, write to our Registration Team.

Progress Report 1 Mailed

By Kevin on June 17th, 2010
Posted in General, Publications, Registration | 2 Comments »

https://oevenezolano.org/2024/08/tfce4eh Westercon 64 Progress Report 1 is now available for download from our Publications page. We mailed copies of PR1 this week to all members (or handed them out in person) except those who opted out of receiving paper publications. If you would like to opt-out of receiving paper publications, write to our Registration department (see contacts on the Committee List).

Photos from SiliCon

https://blog.extraface.com/2024/08/07/4cbfk8cnb By Committee on October 4th, 2009
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https://homeupgradespecialist.com/t20i3inlr We’ve posted pictures of our party at SiliCon 2009 on the SJ2011 LiveJournal. We’d like to thank everyone who came by and said hello, and to welcome all of our new members and those people who upgraded their pre-supporting memberships to attending memberships.

San Jose Wins 2011 Westercon

Buy Xanax India By Committee on July 3rd, 2009
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https://blog.extraface.com/2024/08/07/3gu3u8pc95 San Jose has won the right to host Westercon 64, having received 79 of the 93 ballots cast in the election held at Westercon 62 in Tempe, Arizona.

https://oevenezolano.org/2024/08/2cg6uqo0bz Westercon 64’s Guests of Honor will be:
Writer: Patricia A. McKillip
Artists: Phil & Kaja Foglio
Fan: Mike Willmoth

Attending memberships will be $45 with discounts to people who voted in Site Selection or pre-supported the bid.

https://homeupgradespecialist.com/kj11k2aew If you pre-supported (or pre-opposed) the SJ 2011 bid and voted in 2011 Site Selection (or were a Friend of the SJ 2011 bid), you are automatically an attending member.

A new Westercon 64 web site at http://www.westercon64.org/ will be online soon. Online registration for Westercon 64 will be also be available soon.