San Francisco Science Fiction Conventions, Incorporated (SFSFC) is the California non-profit, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation organizing the San Jose in 2011 Westercon bid. SFSFC was formed in 1990 to bid for the 1993 World Science Fiction Convention, ConFrancisco, and went on to also run ConJosé, the 2002 Worldcon. Since then, SFSFC has also been the sponsoring non-profit organization for Conolulu, the 2000 Westercon, the 1998 and 2009 World Fantasy Conventions, SMOFCon 17 (the annual convention about organizing SF genre conventions), and Corflu 17 (the fanzine fan convention). SFSFC also organizes occasional ConStruction conrunning conferences with an emphasis on issues affecting San Francisco Bay Area genre conventions.

The Fine Print

The Westercon San Jose in 2011 committee is a standing committee of SFSFC, as described in Article 6 of the SFSFC Bylaws. The committee chairman is appointed by the president of SFSFC and reports to the board of directors of SFSFC.

The Westercon Bylaws require that US-based groups bidding for a Westercon show evidence of their non-profit legal status. The following documents (which were referenced in our filing with Westercon 62) substantiate this: